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Replica Bags Shop Returns Policy

Returns within 14 Days

You have the legal right to return your order within fourteen days of receipt of the goods. In this case, any sum debited from your credit or debit card will be re-credited to your account as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days of your order. If you want to return your order, you will need to follow the procedure set out below within the fourteen days.

Replica Bags Shop will offer you a refund provided that the products are returned complete, in perfect condition, unused, fully labelled and with the original packaging. Replica Bags Shop will not accept returns for any non-faulty items that have been worn and tags removed.

Please note that you have a legal obligation to take reasonable care of the items while they are in your possession. If you fail to comply with this obligation, your entitlement to a refund may be affected. We request that you do not remove tags and hygiene seals until you are completely satisfied that the items will not be subject to return within fourteen days. We also request that items are returned with their original packaging including, in the case of shoes, original boxes.

The following items may not be returned:

  • Personalized Items or Goods
  • Beauty Fragrance Products
  • Fine Jewelry
  • Special Hype Releases
  • Undergarments Swimwear

Upon receipt of an order, if any item has been delivered with no tags, you should notify us by email on the same day. We strongly advise all customers to check garments thoroughly upon delivery before removing any attached tags and before disposing of any original packaging.

Except where items are faulty and a replacement is not available, refunds for items may be given and only at the discretion of Replica Bags Shop . For all returns, except where the item is faulty, you will be required to arrange and pay for the return of the products to us.

Returns Rate

Domestic: FREE
International: $35

Returns after 14 Days

Returns received outside the above time frames will not be accepted.

Holiday Return Policy

Replica Bags Shop will accommodate returns/exchanges until January 31st, 2025 for any full price items purchased between December 1st - December 31st. To process a return outside of the normal return window, please contact our customer service team here.

Please kindly note all policy guidelines regarding condition of item and final sale products apply,

Procedure for returning goods

To return an unwanted item for a refund, please click here to complete our returns form. Replica Bags Shop will then reply with returns instructions. Once you have received this, please take care to follow the instructions emailed to you.

Please be aware that international customs duties are NOT refunded for shipments outside the USA. It is the customer’s responsibility to retain copies of all tracking information and to ensure that the returned goods arrive to Replica Bags Shop within the above stated timeframe. Please note that Replica Bags Shop does not accept liability for returned goods.

When returning items you are strongly recommended to obtain proof of shipment or the relevant shipper's airway bills and documentation. We cannot accept responsibility for parcels lost in transit and you are advised to arrange your own insurance. We will only refund or provide an exchange for the costs of postage / transport where the item returned is defective.